Why Do the Birds Sing?

By this point in the trip, with only two days left, the natives were getting restless.  Whenever we “missed” a species, there was increased grumbling from the five men in the back of the van. 

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The Jordan River Valley

When we were after a specific bird, Paul would play a recording of its song, to coax it out into the open.  It was barely light when he tried for the first time in Wadi Mishmar.  It was supposed to be the song of the Scrub Warbler, but instead it was the first chord of a heavy metal song, so an enormous sort of  “WONNGGG” reverberated up the canyon. That made me laugh out loud.

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This was the setting of Jesus ministry.  I’d like to go back before too long to take a walking tour of Galilee.

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While there’s no doubt in my mind that Paul played some sort of role in “waking me up” in Israel, after a quick hug and “thanks for a great tour” he unceremoniously dropped me off at the airport.  And I was on my own... again.

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